My Approach
Each of my clients is unique and there’s no single toolkit that’s appropriate for every individual. Based on a thorough assessment of your goals and specific challenges, we’ll explore a spectrum of approaches until we find one that works for you.
As a general rule I find it's effective to apply the principles of problem-solving. This starts with data gathering: What’s your story? What do we know—and what are the unknowns? This helps us find a clear and simple way to articulate the problem.
It's remarkable how the process of stating a challenge in its clearest and simplest form can bring potential solutions to the surface. (In the world of software engineering this technique is known as Rubber Duck Debugging.)
Once we’ve figured out the challenge—and what success would look like—the frameworks I tend to turn to, at least initially, are the ones that have worked for me in my own experience of being coached. These include (but are not limited to)
David Rock’s SCARF model—a very useful and simple model that helps analyze your own emotional responses and also how you interact with others
The “Amygdala Hijack”—especially useful for recognizing and combating the “triggers” that induce negative and potentially damaging responses
Roger von Oech—a very useful framework that provides a structured and creative approach to problem-solving, and also helps with building and leading high-functioning teams
These are just a few of the ideas and methods I’ve found useful for myself and for my clients. But don’t think our sessions will be over-burdened with frameworks and evidence from neuroscience and sociology.
These (the evidence-based frameworks) are there if we need them—but the most important element of our work together is a mindset of curiosity and openness as we investigate what’s not working in order to find what works.
Online follow-up
We will follow up our sessions with online correspondence via e-mail, and where appropriate we will develop specific activities designed to help you put new behaviors into practice. This means that together we identify specific actions that you commit to taking, against a specific time-frame. We can capture these actions in an online format, and monitor your progress against the agreed goal. This helps us to assess the effectiveness (and practicality) of the agreed actions in practice, and we can remediate and change them as necessary.
This approach to online follow-up derives from my years of experience in the online learning industry. Many clients have found it to be very effective.
Please contact me to find out more about how this approach, and others, could potentially help you.